2003-July Archives by Author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 20:26:12 2003
Ending: Thu Jul 31 20:07:13 2003
Messages: 73
- July 9 Wed BAD meeting 6-9PM- Carl's Jr, SanJose, North1st &
George Bonser
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Ross Boylan
- Debian BOF session
Ross Boylan
- Debian booth at LWE- Is one reserved? If no, should we try to
get one?
Bdale Garbee
- Environment variables/cc missing
Tony Godshall
- T-shirts at BAD meeting?
Tony Godshall
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Tony Godshall
- July 9 Wed BAD meeting 6-9PM- Carl's Jr, SanJose, North1st & Trimble
- Wireless inet access help needed for BAD meeting - Can you provide it?
- Fwd: Re: Wireless inet access help needed for BAD meeting - Can you provide it?
- Ugh - Ogg think McU(R) Wireless too high in fat!
- Help! I've fallen into the net and I can't get up! Er, out. Err, in! Err, uh, OFI.
- Seriously: It's just the next next thing.
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
- Here's the Debian events info page - LWE not listed.
- Sean - would you like some help in following up w/ the LWE people?
- Post BOFfing
- Debian booth at LWE- Is one reserved? If no, should we try to get one?
- LinuxWorld pass up for grabs
Paul Mackinney
- T-shirts at BAD meeting?
Paul Mackinney
- July 9 Wed BAD meeting 6-9PM- Carl's Jr, SanJose, North1st & Trimble
Mike Markley
- LinuxWorld
Mike Markley
- LinuxWorld
Mike Markley
- LinuxWorld
Adam McKenna
- July 9 Wed BAD meeting 6-9PM- Carl's Jr, SanJose, North1st & Trimble
Rick Moen
- Wireless inet access help needed for BAD meeting - Can you provide it?
Rick Moen
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Rick Moen
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Nick Moffitt
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Nick Moffitt
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Nick Moffitt
- Fw: Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Nick Moffitt
- Post BOFfing
Nick Moffitt
- Fw: Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Nick Moffitt
- LinuxWorld
Misha Nasledov
- LinuxWorld
Misha Nasledov
- LinuxWorld
Misha Nasledov
- T-shirts at BAD meeting?
Misha Nasledov
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Misha Nasledov
- Debian BOF session
Misha Nasledov
- visiting the bay area (late July/early August)
Peter Palfrader
- Environment variables/cc missing
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- LinuxWorld
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- LinuxWorld
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- T-shirts at BAD meeting?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- T-shirts at BAD meeting?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Debian booth at LWE- Is one reserved? If no, should we try to get one?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Wireless inet access help needed for BAD meeting - Can you provide it?
Aaron T Porter
- Seriously: It's just the next next thing.
Aaron T Porter
- BAD MEETING 8/13/2003
Aaron T Porter
- LinuxWorld pass up for grabs
Aaron T Porter
- LinuxWorld
Andrew P. Porter
- BAD MEETING 8/13/2003
Andrew P. Porter
- Here's the Debian events info page - LWE not listed.
Andrew P. Porter
- July 9 Wed BAD meeting 6-9PM- Carl's Jr, SanJose, North1st & Trimble
Peter van Rossum
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Claude Rubinson
- Locked Subdirectory Problem
Stephen Schroder
- Environment variables/cc missing
Stephen Schroder
- Seriously: It's just the next next thing.
Stephen Schroder
- Installfest
Stephen Schroder
- LinuxWorld
Stephen Schroder
- T Shirts
Stephen Schroder
- Fw: Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Stephen Schroder
- LWE Keynotes and Feature Presentations
Stephen Schroder
- Seriously: It's just the next next thing.
Erik Steffl
- Post BOFfing
Stephen Zander
- Wireless inet access help needed for BAD meeting - Can you
provide it? (fwd)
Scott Dier - dieman
- Seriously: It's just the next next thing.
Scott Dier - dieman
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Scott Dier - dieman
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Scott Dier - dieman
- Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
- Fw: Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
- Fw: Will Debian have a booth at linuxworldexpo? A BoF?
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 20:07:13 2003
Archived on: Thu Jul 31 12:08:02 2003
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Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).