Need help: Picn*x Flyers for Debian Booth

Tony Godshall Tony Godshall <>
Tue, 9 Aug 2005 11:05:31 -0700

> Hey folks!  I was hoping to make some flyers to give to Joshua Kwan from BAD
> to bring to LinuxWorld Expo to put out at the Debian booth, but didn't
> get a chance to tonight.
> Would someone out here be willing to run off a few dozen copies of the
> following flyer and drop it off at the Debian booth?  (If not, I can make
> some tomorrow and drop them off with Joshua if he'll be at LWE on Wed.)
> Let me know if you can help, thanks!!!

I can print out a couple and take tomorrow Wed. evening.  I
presume you'd want them there before then, so perhaps
someone else can help?

I do have a plastic sign-holder we can use to put up the
sign (it's more of a sign than a flyer, really).  I can
probably make up some little slips of paper for people to
take with (I'd really not print up lots of expensive color
full pages that will just get lost among the conference
glossies- I'd rather give people little wallet-size qrefs
that they're more likely to *use*).

Hey, all, March Of The Penguins is playing in Alameda,
Oakland, SF, Tiburon, ...

No, it's not about Linux, but it's about our antartic mascot. 
They walk for a week to the nesting site, then the gals keep 
the egg warm for weeks while the guys walk for a week to go eat, 
then the guys take care of the egg for weeks while the gals
go eat.

How off-topic is that?

Best Regards,
