Need help: Picn*x Flyers for Debian Booth
Bill Kendrick
Mon, 8 Aug 2005 22:39:42 -0700
Hey folks! I was hoping to make some flyers to give to Joshua Kwan from BAD
to bring to LinuxWorld Expo to put out at the Debian booth, but didn't
get a chance to tonight.
Would someone out here be willing to run off a few dozen copies of the
following flyer and drop it off at the Debian booth? (If not, I can make
some tomorrow and drop them off with Joshua if he'll be at LWE on Wed.)
Let me know if you can help, thanks!!!
-bill! Picn*x14 --- Linux Anniversary Picnic & BBQ! Sunnyvale Baylands Park, Sunday, August 14th to RSVP & volunteer!