How do I get the latest gaim (0.7) in Sid?

Tim Freeman
Fri, 3 Oct 2003 21:44:39 -0700

From: Hereon <>
>When, as root, i do apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; it lists gaim as a
>package held back.
>When I run dselect, it shows the latest available version of gaim as 0.68-1. 

When I get held back packages, I say something like

   apt-get install gaim

and it tells me why it's held back, or sometimes it feels that
it has the authority to go ahead and solve the problem for me by
installing some other packages and then upgrade the one I asked for.

The other requirement, of course, is that you say something like this
in /etc/apt/preferences:

   Package: gaim
   Pin: release a=unstable
   Pin-Priority: 1500

(except don't have any leading whitespace).

Tim Freeman                                        
GPG public key fingerprint ECDF 46F8 3B80 BB9E 575D  7180 76DF FE00 34B1 5C78 

P. S. Hi Vineet!