Windows porting

Ben Pfaff
13 Jan 2002 15:30:23 -0800

"Robin Rowe" <> writes:

> > Also, my own experience with Windows ports is that the users are
> > assholes.  I once went to some trouble to port GNU PSPP (my
> > program) so that it would run under Windows.  All I got back was
> > self-righteous flames that it "sucked" because it didn't have a
> > graphical interface.  Never again.
> I looked up PSPP through Seems like an interesting program
> for statistical analysis. Glad to know that is there if I need it.
> Congratulations on creating that. I appreciate your effort.

Well, it needs a lot of work.  If you're looking for real
statistical analysis then I recommend GNU R.  I hope to someday
finish up PSPP, but have no immediate plans.

PSPP, on the other hand, is quite good for reading and writing
SPSS data files and translating them to other formats.

> The standard OSS retort to Linux flamers who complain about a missing
> feature is to tell them to implement it themselves and send you a patch.
> Just curious, did you tell your Windows flamers to build the GUI they found
> lacking, to send you a patch?

I don't recall that I responded to them at all.  I have a pretty
thick skin these days, and even somewhat back then.  My usual
response to flamers is to ignore them.  But they're not