Windows porting

Robin Rowe
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 15:22:20 -0800


> If users can
> use a wide variety of free software on Windows, then there isn't
> as much inducement to not use Windows.

Perhaps, unless they consider it may be cheaper, less intrusive, more
secure, more empowering, and more reliable to run the same software on

> Also, my own experience with Windows ports is that the users are
> assholes.  I once went to some trouble to port GNU PSPP (my
> program) so that it would run under Windows.  All I got back was
> self-righteous flames that it "sucked" because it didn't have a
> graphical interface.  Never again.

I looked up PSPP through Seems like an interesting program
for statistical analysis. Glad to know that is there if I need it.
Congratulations on creating that. I appreciate your effort.

The standard OSS retort to Linux flamers who complain about a missing
feature is to tell them to implement it themselves and send you a patch.
Just curious, did you tell your Windows flamers to build the GUI they found
lacking, to send you a patch?

