Berkeley get-together (BAD + BUUG)

Robin Rowe
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 19:28:19 -0800


Well, I at least will be there tomorrow (Thursday, 1/3/02) at Au Coquelet at
7pm in a dual-boot BAD + BUUG configuration. If it is any enticement for
someone on the fence about coming who doesn't recognize my name from Linux
Journal, I write the monthly column there called GFX about Debian as a
desktop graphical OS. You can find some of my articles online by searching
on my name at I just relocated here from San Diego a few
weeks ago.

FYI, I hope to organize at least one BAD meeting every month in Berkeley
starting now, but wouldn't want that to discourage anyone else from having
more or other locations.

When I asked Mike Markley why there was no December BAD meeting and what the
plan was for January he replied, "I don't know if there will be a meeting
next month. BAD pretty much works on the principle of 'he who steps forward
takes responsibility' so common in this community, so it pretty much depends
on who is willing to step forward and how much interest there is." So here
we go, I've stepped forward.

Is there interest? We'll know that answer tomorrow night! Hope you can make



P.S. Congrats on getting the BALE list updated to reflect 2002. That's a
great resource. Since I haven't seen any notices from you I assume your
mailing list is still down? Are you going to post something here about your
InstallFest? I see on BALE that is coming up on Saturday January 12th from
10-4 at the Oakland Convention Center, in conjunction with CABAL, BALUG,
BAFUG and SVBUG. Maybe we should try to add BAD to that list?