
Evan Prodromou evan@debian.org
12 Jul 2001 12:29:54 -0700

Hey, so, in the immortal words of Seth David Schoen, "That was a good
B.A.D. meeting."

I wanted to remind everyone who participated in the keysigning part
of the steps to take from here:



1. Key signers download the party keyring from this URL:


2. For each name on their keyring printout that has two checks
   (identified, fingerprint matches), sign that key in the
   keyring. For Alice to sign Bob's key, she would do a command like

       gpg --keyring /path/to/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.gpg --sign-key "Bob" --local-user "Alice"

   Remember, keep the keyring separate.

3. Once all the signatures have been added, send your copy of the
   keyring back to the organizer (evan@debian.org). This copy will now
   have all your signatures in it.

4. The organizer will combine all the signatures together, and make
   the new, merged keyring available.


I'd like to receive all the signatures by this (Thursday noon) next
week. It only takes a few minutes to do, and it's appreciated by all.

Thanks a lot,


P.S. Note also that you -must- put the full path to the keyring in
during the gpg steps, or gpg will think that you want to use a file in
~/.gnupg/. I know, crazy stuff, but that's the way gpg works.

Evan Prodromou