Keyring snafu

Paul Mackinney
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 22:11:14 -0700

Arg. You sure you're not Moriarity?

>1. Key signers download the party keyring from this URL...
Done. I viewed the page in lynx and used the 'p' option to save as a
file, got 31514 bytes. This failed. Next I used a gui browser to go
to the file & save, got 42726 bytes. Can anyone tell my why the lynx 
thing failed?

>2. For each name on their keyring printout that has two checks
>   (identified, fingerprint matches), sign that key in the
>   keyring. For Alice to sign Bob's key, she would do a command like
>   this...

Fails. Here's a copy of my terminal:

Attempt 1: The lynx file. I believe it's corrupt.

  dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
  --sign-key "Eric Cain" --local-user "Paul Mackinney"
  usage: gpg [options] --sign-key user-id
  dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
  --sign-key "Eric Cain"
  gpg: skipped compressed packet in keyring
  gpg: Eric Cain: user not found

As you can see it doesn't like the --local-user argument, and otherwise
it behaves as if the file were corrupted.

Attempt 2: The other file...

  dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
  --sign-key "Eric Cain" --local-user "Paul Mackinney"
  usage: gpg [options] --sign-key user-id
  dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.3.gpg \
  --sign-key "Eric Cain <>"
  pub  1024D/104B7390  created: 1998-09-06 expires: never      trust: -/q
  sub  2048g/54D4A60A  created: 1998-09-06 expires: never
  (1)  Eric Cain <>
  (2). Eric Cain <>
  Really sign all user IDs? yes
  gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
It still doesn't like the --local-user argument, but now I don't have 
the mysterious secret key.

>    Remember, keep the keyring separate.

I don't understand this instruction. How to proceed?

