Potato install - package suggestions?
Rick Moen
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 15:47:42 -0700
Quoting simonst@WellsFargo.COM (simonst@WellsFargo.COM):
> Rather than upgrade my current hamm system, I'm installing potato from
> scratch, intending to follow "Package Installation Option #3" in the
> http://linuxmafia.com/debian/tips doc. I'm looking for any last-minute
> suggestions and/or changes to the list of packages:
That list is pretty out of date. It was _once_ a pretty good list for
slink. If you use it for potato, be prepared to have some package names
rejected (like kbd-data, I think), and to re-edit and re-submit that
line a few times, until apt-get is happy.
> Since I will be running X, why don't I need at least some of the packages
> mentioned in the hamm upgrade:
> xserver-common xfree86-common xf86setup xprt xfs xfstt
> xfonts-scalable xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi
Yep. I believe I mention those somewhere else in the piece. You'd
certainl also need at least one window manager, and probably other
things. But you'll figure that out quickly enough.
Cheers, "By reading this sentence, you agree to be bound by the
Rick Moen terms of the Internet Protocol, version 4, or, at your
rick (at) linuxmafia.com option, any later version." -- Seth David Schoen