3Com 3c905C not recognized in Debian install
Rick Moen
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 12:01:24 -0700
Quoting Alan DuBoff (maestro@SoftOrchestra.com):
> Thanks for the reply, will build the flops, <sigh> draggin' feet like
> always...
Worth the pain.
> PS, it must be REALLY quiet without me over there! Hope things are
> going well.
West Menlo Park? Yeah. After living in the clubs district in SOMA,
it's _deathly_ quiet. I'm going to have to go to the Mozilla party
for a refresher course in urban noise.
Cheers, "By reading this sentence, you agree to be bound by the
Rick Moen terms of the Internet Protocol, version 4, or, at your
rick (at) linuxmafia.com option, any later version." -- Seth David Schoen