I generally have no trouble with muni metro. To what are youreferring?

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Tue, 17 May 2005 08:16:41 -0700

begin  Tony Godshall  quotation:
> I never had any trouble myself, but there were stories about how
> folks on the way to the last SF BAD meeting were stuck for some time
> in a tunnel.

	It was one person, and that was definitely a rare occurrence.
I thought that folks were referring to the 1998 meltdown.

> Regardless, BART serves a wide area, and anything that requires a
> transfer away from it significantly impacts convenience and
> therefore attendance.

	This is true to a certain extent, although muni metro is a
more convenient transfer than anything else.  You just get off at
embarcadero, and the muni metro fare gates are just opposite the BART
fare gates.

> I'm seriously considering not attending the linux-picnic this year
> or organizing one that's handier to the car-free and car-lite crowd
> (I am not yet free but I am moving in that direction).  But given
> how little time I am willing to put to organizing, it'll probably
> not materialize at all, or be a single buttock event at best.

	I'm 100% car-free (never even learned *how* to drive) and this
idea intrigues me.  What locations were you interested in?

Support your droogs!                        Nick Moffitt