BART to Fremont [Re: REMINDER: There will be a BAD meeting at 7pm on Wed 9 March at Fry's Fremont Cafe]

Nick Moffitt
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 08:12:40 -0800

begin  Tony Godshall  quotation:
> Transitinfo ( says...

I have a script for BART that I find very handy:

to use, sagi xml2 wget 

and maybe bsdgames :)

To set it up, run "bart -l > /usr/local/etc/bart.stations".  I
actually run that nightly out of cron, in case the codes change or

My .bartrc looks like so:


Oh yeah, also:

alias sagi='sudo apt-get install' case you didn't catch the acronym.  I actually use
aptitude, but that would just be "sai" and that isn't as satisfying a
word as "saggy".

So are you an honest-to-cripes Atkins dieter with the           Nick Moffitt
little urine test strips and the blood analysis and the
"better living through diabetes" rhetoric, or are you
just some ranchero wannabe who hates salads?