unison: Can the Sarge version be used with Sid (Kanotix)?

Charles Fry bad@frogcircus.org
Fri, 8 Jul 2005 16:28:06 -0400

> Package: unison
> Pin: release a=stable
> Pin-Priority: 990
> Package: unison-gtk
> Pin: release a=stable
> Pin-Priority: 990

Alternatively you could have set them to 1001. As 1000 is the downgrade
barrier, anything with a priority above 1000 will be downgraded if
necessary to meet the requested pinning. Setting it to 1001 would have
allowed you to do a simple "apt-get upgrade" to downgrade the package.

> Then I did "apt-get remove unison"
> (which removes unison-gtk also),
> followed by "apt-get install unison-gtk"
> (which installs unison also), and now
> unison is back at version 2.9.1-2sarge2,
> and again works fine with unison from Sarge.

For the record, you can downgrade (or upgrade) the package without first
removing it (assuming you left the priority at 990) with the following

   apt-get install unison/stable

This doesn't apply here, but if you were upgrading, and the new package
had new dependencies, then you could have done:

   apt-get install unison -t unstable

which installs both the requested package and its dependencies from

Glad things worked out. :-)

The game laws
Ought to
Let you shoot
The bird who hands you
A substitute