How do I get the latest gaim (0.7) in Sid?
Tim Freeman
Sat, 4 Oct 2003 12:10:36 -0700
I don't know the answer to any of your other questions, but I have
some experience pertinent to this one:
From: Hereon <>
>5) Why did my original apt-get upgrade fail to assert that it would upgrade
>gaim, saying instead that gaim would be held back? Is this likely a bug
>someplace? (& thus it might be a good idea to submit a bug report on it?)
It seems that apt-get upgrade lacks the courage to install new
packages or remove packages to give you what you want.
apt-get dist-upgrade is very bold; it is happy to add and remove
packages to make sure the packages you have at the end are all the
most current ones available.
apt-get install seems like apt-get dist-upgrade, except it narrowly
construes its job to be bringing just the packages you asked for
up-to-date. I think it's willing to add and remove other packages,
but not upgrade them.
I think the behavior you're wanting from apt-get upgrade is available
from apt-get dist-upgrade, so it doesn't make sense to report
apt-get upgrade's behavior as a bug.
I hope all this anthropomorphization doesn't hurt my computer's
feelings. :-).
Tim Freeman
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