Ian Jackson visiting SF / San Jose (fwd)

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:44:52 -0800

begin  Kysh quotation:
> As George Bonser was saying:
> > In my opinion the boonies start in Milpitas on the East side and San Mateo
> > on the West. Anything north of either of those is in never-never land.

	I agree, if you s/north/South/

> BTW, what idiot decided to put in the RFC that a mailing list should
> NOT make itself reply-to??! I HATE it when I want to compose a reply
> to a list (95% of the time that I reply to a list message), and have
> to change the 'To' header.

	I haven't had to manually change any headers.  I just hit 'l'
in mutt, and it replies to the list.  Perhaps you should upgrade your
mail client.

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