linuxword update
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:11:39 -0800

On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 06:29:23PM -0800, David Bristel wrote:
> Ok, now that the time is close, I'm wondering what sort of a display we want to
> have there.  I'd personally like to see a solid demonstration of what makes
> Debian better than the other distributions.  YOU know, and _I_ know, but to
> those who have never seen Debian, they may want to see for themselves.
> Depending on stations, perhaps showing off the installation process, and package
> management would be good.  I've not tried the fresh setup of 2.1 yet, but it's
> something that might attract some attention(hopefully good).  Any thoughts?
> 						Dave Bristel

Consider our target audience... I've never been to one of these but from
what I understand, we're going to be facing businesses (and businessmen). 
How interested are they going to be in the install routine compared to
what they can *do* with Debian... and Debian's support network... and I'm
sure there are more.

In the case of *do*, I think a computer running as a high power 'net server
(or the closest we can to fake it), a computer demoing a work station (maybe
running siag office and/or wordperfect (I know, non-free, but there are no
free word processing packages).   (Err... do we have a laser printer

In the case of *support*.  Maybe a computer with list email set up.. maybe
some history.  Maybe some one can find some good samples of tough questions
that were answered timely.  A computer with IRC showing umm... er... well...
not #debian but maybe #debianhelp staffed with a few people (not attending)
that can act professional and pretend like we've got people there to answer

That's an idea of what I'm thinking...

- Darren