
Keith Beattie ksb@icds.org
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 14:28:23 -0800 (PST)

David Welton wrote:
> I'm also looking for a place (which I've heard is difficult:-/),
> preferably with some other people around my age (23), and, hopefully,
> with a decent net connection.  CNET is located in the very northeast
> corner of the city, so I'd like to be near there, if possible, but I
> don't really have a clue as to where is affordable, expensive, nice,
> trashy, etc...

Hi David,

My wife and I live in San Francisco and just had to find a new place
to live (of all the apartments our landlord owns, he decides to move
into our place...).  With the possible exception of Tokyo or New York
I think San Francisco is the most expensive city to live in the world
right now.  One bedroom apartments start at $900/month with the
livable ones going for at least $1100 or $1200.  If you are willing to
live with roomates, you could pay less.  I'd check out some of the
rental services.  We used MetroRent though I don't think they do
roomates just rentals.  I seemto remember there being a "Roomate
Referal" service.  Check out the Yahoo listing:


It sounds like CNET is in the North Beach district, which is a good
area to live in though a little congested.  These are other nearby
districts which are nice and (relatively) affordable: Marina, Cow
Hollow, Potrero Hill.  Further away are Noe Valley, Glen Park.
Actually the best places for the price (if you can tolerate being in
the fog most of the year) are the Richmond and Sunset Districts.  (It
cracks me up that it's called the "Sunset" cause you rarely ever see
it there.)

Good luck and let me know how it goes for you,