CampKDE Jan 15-18 Ride Share SanDiego, VOIP; BerkeleyTIP

giovanni_re john_re at
Thu Jan 14 05:14:19 PST 2010

Ride share to CampKDE this Friday, back Monday, from the San Francisco Bay Area:  If you'd like to go to CampKDE, & would be interested in sharing gas/expenses, email me & we'll see if this can be arranged.

Attend CampKDE Jan 15-18 via Voice over Internet (VOIP)

This weekend is CampKDE in San Diego.  For those who would like to participate, but can't physically attend, the BerkeleyTIP group will (unofficially, as a public service) provide assistance to everyone who would like to communicate via voice about &/or with the conference, & other KDE community members.

Join #berkeleytip on, & we will do our best (depending on availability of BTIP people) to help people get on VOIP in order to talk about KDE, or whatever.

You are also invited to join the BerkeleyTIP mailing list, & ask any help or other questions there.

Here's the announcement there:
CampKDE Jan 15-18 SanDiego, VOIP & Ride Share; BerkeleyTIP

I'll be announcing this on some KDE related mailing lists.

When (if) I get time, I'll locate the CampKDE organizers, & email them telling them BTIP is helping KDE community members with this unofficially, & asking them if they'd like to try to do something officially in arranging global VOIP for the KDE community interested in CampKDE.

Here is the VOIP HowTo page for BerkeleyTIP:

There are 2 ways to join the VOIP conference: 1) Computer VOIP globally using a sw client & headset & mic, & 2) Dial in with land or cell phone to a phone # in Washington state, USA (free, no $ money cost, if you have free long distance phone service).

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