Headless chicken continues to jerk around + pre-ANNOUNCE warning for the June meeting.
Tony Godshall
Tony Godshall <togo@of.net>
Mon, 16 May 2005 17:34:57 -0700
So the Linux Journal meetup that seems to keep being
annouced by robot not seems to be without an organizer.
Say, do any West Bay or South Bay folks want to call shotgun
for June before I plunk it down, as is my habit, by a Berkeley
or Oakland BART station?
It'd probably be nice to do it in SF or Fremont again, but
you probably won't get some of us car-free or car-lite
folks without it being near BART unless you also get a
celebrity (like Sean) to show, and we know he's busy these
days. On top of convenience issues, there are apparently
(I hear) reasons to avoid muni rail. I didn't try to make
it to that meeting, but I hear there were issues.
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Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 13:50:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Keep Your Meetup Group Going -- Be the Organizer
From: "Meetup.com" <info@meetup.com>
To: togo@of.net
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Dear Meetup Member,
The 9 members of The Alameda County Linux Journal Meetup Group
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-- Tony Godshall