Debian Enterprise (not a Starfleet metaphor)

Les Kopari
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 14:29:48 -0800 (PST)

Scott Dier wrote:

>> Try LTSP?

>If they were business desktops, I would.  
>But these are researchers who
>want their own disk/memory/etc so when they run
>simulations they 'don't have to worry about it'.

>But *yes*, LTSP is a *great* solution in *many*
situations. :)

Does the new 4.0 release's local applications fit the


"Local Applications 
In some cases, it is a waste to have a big powerful
CPU and lots of RAM sitting on the desktop, and only
using to run the Linux kernel and the X Server. So,
with LTSP, you have the option to run some
applications locally. 
We launch the application using SSH."

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