Bumper stickers and signs and Re: BAD meeting, CDs, GPG/PGP, etc.

Tony Godshall togo@of.net
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 13:34:56 -0800

According to Ian Zimmerman,
> Tony> Also does anyone have any extra Debian bumper stickers to sell?
> It is normally my policy to disassociate from any organisation that
> promotes itself with bumper stickers.  Happened with the Green Party, is
> Debian next?
> FUCK the auto culture!

I have a Debian bumper sticker on my old laptop, but not on
my car.  Not a fan of the auto culture myself.

It would be a shame to leave Debian because bumper stickers
exist. (Made by some third party, I assume.  I got the old
ones at copyleft, I think.)