need help designing new tshirts

Steve Dunham
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 15:20:02 -0700

David Kimdon wrote:
> Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:20:09AM -0700 wrote:
>>On Wednesday 16 October 2002 11:17, David Kimdon wrote:
>>>If you take main/binary-i386/Packages.gz you get 113.19 % bigger.
>>I did not mean the numbers were wrong, I meant the value of it was useless (-:  
> Of course it is useless, it is meant to be funny, like something we
> could put on a t-shirt :-)  I'm just providing numbers grounded in
> something real, all the more absurd when we include extra significant
> digits.

Of course, one of our stong points is the wide range of platforms, so
maybe we should do total size of woody over total size of potato. :)
