Key signature?

Genise Pearce
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 12:08:26 -0800

I was told to mail here by Sean Perry when I asked him if he knew anyone who
could sign my key.

Here's the issue. I was in NYC for LWE and a friend of mine signed my key
while I was out there, but later one due to some bizzare reason, my key went
corrupt. No one could add it, it wouldn't even respond to my passphrase

I tried to "recover" it, but failed. So now I have a new key and all, but
now I have no signature.

I currently have an AM already and basically am waiting until I can find
another signature before I send off my final answers since the document is
supposed to be signed.

I live in Fremont. If there's any info you want to know about me before
meeting up and signing my key, lemme know. Best way to contact me is via
email or cell (510-682-4281). 

Genise Pearce    <>    Transvirtual Technologies
Technical Engineer  /   Technical Documentation   /    Public Relations