Free Dmitry Sklyarov!

Evan Prodromou
19 Jul 2001 20:36:20 -0700

>>>>> "TG" == Tony Godshall <> writes:

    TG> Damn.  I'll be out of town, arriving that day but in the
    TG> enveing.  But I'm with you in spirit.

    TG> Anything else we can do?

So, the main things you can do are...

1) Join the EFF, if you haven't already. They'll need money to fight
   this case.

2) Contact to your congressional representative and express your
   displeasure. Mail works best, then phone, and last (and sadly
   least) email.

3) Join the free-sklyarov mailing list:

   There will be more events in the future, and there's talk of a
   24-hour round-the-clock vigil at Adobe headquarters.

4) Make other people aware of the problem. This is probably an
   appropriate subject for any list having to do with freedom,
   including Free Software ones.

Weirdly, this issue hasn't hit Slashdot yet, so submitting it there is
probably a good idea. I think it probly needs to get on K5 or other
sites, too. Spread the word! Free Dmitry!


Evan Prodromou