Keyring snafu

Eric Cain
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 00:08:33 -0700

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:11:14PM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> Arg. You sure you're not Moriarity?
> > 
> >1. Key signers download the party keyring from this URL...
> Done. I viewed the page in lynx and used the 'p' option to save as a
> file, got 31514 bytes. This failed. Next I used a gui browser to go
> to the file & save, got 42726 bytes. Can anyone tell my why the lynx 
> thing failed?
> >2. For each name on their keyring printout that has two checks
> >   (identified, fingerprint matches), sign that key in the
> >   keyring. For Alice to sign Bob's key, she would do a command like
> >   this...
> Fails. Here's a copy of my terminal:
> Attempt 1: The lynx file. I believe it's corrupt.
>   dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
>   --sign-key "Eric Cain" --local-user "Paul Mackinney"
>   usage: gpg [options] --sign-key user-id
>   dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
>   --sign-key "Eric Cain"
>   gpg: skipped compressed packet in keyring
>   gpg: Eric Cain: user not found
>   dog:~>
> As you can see it doesn't like the --local-user argument, and otherwise
> it behaves as if the file were corrupted.
> Attempt 2: The other file...
>   dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.2.gpg \
>   --sign-key "Eric Cain" --local-user "Paul Mackinney"
>   usage: gpg [options] --sign-key user-id
>   dog:~> gpg --keyring /home/paul/bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.3.gpg \
>   --sign-key "Eric Cain <>"
>   pub  1024D/104B7390  created: 1998-09-06 expires: never      trust: -/q
>   sub  2048g/54D4A60A  created: 1998-09-06 expires: never
>   (1)  Eric Cain <>
>   (2). Eric Cain <>
>   Really sign all user IDs? yes
>   gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
> It still doesn't like the --local-user argument, but now I don't have 
> the mysterious secret key.

--local-user did not work for me either.
Try using --default-key instead. You can also specify the default key in
your ~/.gnupg/options file. Time to update your instructions Evan?  :^]

How to download the keyring (or any other file) using lynx without lynx
messing it up:
lynx -source > bad-meeting-11-Jul-2001.gpg

Using "Print options -> Save to a local file" saves the file after lynx
parsed and formatted the file to display on your screen. I believe it either
removes the high bit or all characters with the high bit set before
displaying and that's what you were saving. Don't quote me on this. The
imporant thing to remember is that it alters the file if you save it this

If you still have trouble, let us know what version of gpg you're running
too. (gpg --version)

> > 
> >    Remember, keep the keyring separate.
> I don't understand this instruction. How to proceed?
> Thanks,
> Paul
