AFTER THE PARTY [was Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Bay Area Debian Get-Together and Key-signing Party]

Tony Godshall
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:27:16 -0700

Hi, guys.  If any of this is too off-topic for BAD, let me
know; I can ask elsewhere.

> Clever readers will note that "THE KEYSIGNING PART" is the same as for
> June. Hooray for you! Give yourself a big fat gold star.
[--Evan Prodromou <>]

OK, timewarp me.  I'm still stuck in June.  I've tried to
RTFM but I guess I haven't yet found the right FM.

I would appreciate it if if anybody you could me with these questions 
or point out which FM to R:

> 3. The organizer will combine all the signatures together, and make
>    the new, merged keyring available for download. You can download
>    this file and then use 
>         gpg --import /path/to/second/downloaded-keyring.gpg
>    To import all the keys with new signatures on them. Debian
>    members are encouraged to submit their new signatures to the key
>    server.

[--Evan Prodromou <>]

Q1: OK, I've done that.  Now what?  I've already signed and 
submitted to a keyserver in the list generated by 'host -l | grep www' as described in ~/.gnupg/.options file.
So what do I do next? 

Q2: One FM says that keyservers exchange keys amongst each 
other so there's no point submitting to multiple key 
servers.  Does this mean the debian keyserver now has them 
too or does it not participate in the key exchanging?
Or does the debian keyserver not participate with the keyservers?

Q3: I'm not a debian developer yet but hope to soon become one; 
is it appropriate for me to go ahead and do a --send-keys 
to the debian keyserver?  

Q4: How to I check if my key has been signed according to
the keyservers?

Q5: Which keyserver should I put in my ~/gnupg/options: the one or the debian one.  It only seems to check one
of them when I read mail in mutt.

Q6: (perhaps off-topic) Is there a procmail or fetchmail
recipe I can use to have gpg go fetch/check keys when the 
mail arrives on my system (occasionally it is annoying 
waiting for gpg to retreive keys when reading messages is 
sometimes annoying).  I've searched a bunch of mailling list
archives but all I seem to find are recipes to encrypt or
sign outgoing mail automatically.

