idea for Saturday

Evan Prodromou
19 Feb 2001 17:30:59 -0800

>>>>> "S'P" == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <> writes:

    >>  If you check out, you'll note tha they're in the
    >> process of building public-access 802.11b network in San
    >> Francisco.

    S'P> nifty and all, but they have no 'we work in the following
    S'P> areas' map.

Hrm. I'm dubious as to your ability to find bugs if you can't find
this text:

        "Map WIPOP's - Cliff has released his list of Bay Area
        publically accesible access points in the bay area."

on that front page. Anyways, there's a set of maps linked from this

Pretty coolio. Makes me want to get some 802.11b stuff set up che mi.


Evan Prodromou