Making packages

Will Lowe
Fri, 28 Dec 2001 13:32:05 -0800

> Oh, it's an extension to the package manager that passes packages to all
> of the nodes in a cluster and tells the package managers on all the
> nodes to install the packages as well.

The handiest way to do that right now is probably a custom Apt archive
and an additional line in /etc/apt/sources.list, and then some way to
fire off "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" remotely, via ssh or
cfengine or something.

> [cli]
> version     0.83.2
> postinstall scripts/cli_post
> file        etc/temp-tclshrc /root/.tclshrc
> file        etc/ /etc/profile.d/
> file        etc/temp-cli-pwfile /root/temp-cli-pwfile
> # commands start here
> file        batteryage
> file        batterylogreset
> file        batteryskiprecharge

You could pretty easily write a script that parses this description,
makes a debian/<packagename> directory, grabs all of the "file"
entries and arranges them in debian/<packagename> with the proper
permissions, grabs the "postinstall" entries and copies them to
debian/<packagename>.postinst, etc ... then just call the script from
debian/rules where most packages call "make install".

The "version" field is a little wacky, in that you've got to insert it
into debian/changelog ... but if package builds are attended by a
human you could do that by hand.
