child process using execl()

Alan DuBoff
Wed, 31 May 2000 22:39:50 -0700

I'm not sure if this is appropriate to ask here, but I'll throw it out

I'm forking off a child process (using fork()) and executing an application
with execl().

The gcc docs don't seem completely clear on this issue, but if understand from

At the bottom of the page it would appear that if there is an error in calling
execl(), it will return an error, and which point it uses _exit() in their
example. If it is successful, it doesn't return. But my question is, if I use
execl() and it is successful, will it return at a later point if the child seg
faults, or gets killed?

Specifically, I'm wondering if I have a child process fork'd off and it does
get killed or terminated, will it return to the calling routine on the line
after execl(), or if it just dies and I get a notification in my sig handler?
I wasn't sure if linux actually replaces the return address or not on success
of execl(), so that a successful call to execl() wouldn't return to the parent
process at all.

I have my fork() working and I'm able to execl() my app from within, but I
want to be able to kill my child off and fork() it again. When I do that I get
some strangeness happen until I eventually hang linux (after I fork and execl
about 10 processes).

When I look at processes, I see them hanging around, after I kill them, but
often in a state of 'D' (uninterruptible sleep), and that doesn't make sense
to me, as I've received a SIGTERM signal to my sig handler. Seems they should
be gone...


Alan DuBoff
Software Orchestration, Inc.