2.2.17 compile error on powerpc

Alan DuBoff Alan DuBoff <maestro@SoftOrchestra.com>
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 15:22:15 +0000

I am having some problems compiling the 2.2.17 kernel on my PowerBook.

Others must be using this kernel, but I get a error where it can't find
aty128fb.o when rcs'n video.a, surely has to do with the frame buffer...I'll
have to take a gander through my config and see if something ain't turned on
that ain't 'spose to...

My PowerBook got a woody over a potato tonight...(if it sounds nasty, it

After some shut-eye, I'll try and get a 2.4test11 kernel built, but I would
prefer to run the 2.2.17, until 2.4 is blessed...if possible. I do have a
couple x86 boxes that could use the 2.4 kernel, since they are SMP
machines...anyone running 2.4 with SMP with good luck?

David Schleef, if you know the exact problem for the aty128fb.o file, you can
have your choice of a hot one or a cold one!<roar!>

What a POS Mac OS9 is, that OS goes down like a $2 whore...it's good to get
Debian on my PowerBook...Apple outta be embarrased to release software so
buggy...their hardware seems better though...you don't even need a 'fridge
pack on the CPU...


Alan DuBoff
Software Orchestration, Inc.