RMS will be 'round, Aug. 9 - 20
Rick Moen
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 10:01:25 -0700
Quoting Alan DuBoff (maestro@SoftOrchestra.com):
> From the sound of your message there weren't that many people in CCSF
> LUG, so he might have a time getting things lined up.
During the summer, anyhow. I suspect much of its natural membership
are out of the area. Which makes it all the more odd that RMS
considered The CoffeeNet too small.
Cheers, The cynics among us might say: "We laugh,
Rick Moen monkeyboys -- Linux IS the mainstream UNIX now!
rick (at) linuxmafia.com MuaHaHaHa!" but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis