Intent to Party like its 1999
Kevin Dalley
27 Feb 1999 11:41:51 -0800
David Welton <> writes:
> Ok, so the consensus seems to be that everyone wants to meet near
> where they live;-) It might be nice to carpool a bit further south, so
> as to accomodate the people closer to san jose... Urk, I don't know
> if I want to drive with all those swarms of other people during rush
> hour, though. San Mateo, which someone mentioned, isn't that far,
> though. How is the evening traffic coming north? I guess I could do
> Oakland, if we meet near the BART thing.
The traffic going north is often bad. Mountain View to Oakland
usually takes an hour to an hour and a half around 6 PM.
Unfortunately, if it is on Monday, I can only make it for a short
while, unless the meeting continues past 10 PM, then I can return.
To be difficult, should slink be released on schedule considering the
number of fixes which are still coming through. I just reported a
critical bug against pcmcia-modules-2.0.34, which doesn't work. Our
usual plan is to wait a week after packages are uploaded before
releasing the system.
Kevin Dalley