LinuxWorld Expo - news update
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 17:45:37 -0800 (PST)

Some thoughts about net access.

Firstly, can you (we?) talk to someone at the expo regarding Debian's
non-profit status and try to work something out that way? May not make
any difference, but sometimes in these things it can make all the

If that doesn't work and nobody has wireless access, how about talking
to Ricochet about loaning a modem and account for the duration of the
show? Promise them a prominent mention (brought to you by Ricochet
wireless? Too cheesy?) on a page connected with the show and see if Rob
Malda can give us a blurb on Slashdot so it'll get plenty of traffic.
Might be worth a shot.

I'm not very conversant with how these things work, but I know that
companies do these sorts of things all the time. Good PR, and all that.
Given a little brainstorming I'm sure we can figure something out.
