S.F.: BALUG 2006-03-21: Tom Limoncelli: Time Management for System Administrators

Michael Paoli Michael.Paoli at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Mar 2 06:27:05 PST 2006

For the 2006-03-21 Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) meeting, we have
as guest presenter Tom Limoncelli, of Google, on:
Time Management for System Administrators (and everyone else too)


Whether you use Perl, Python or Ruby, whether you use Windows, Linux
or Unix, all system administrators have a problem with time management.

Users interrupt you constantly with requests, your managers want you
to get long-term projects done but flood you with requests for quick-
fixed, and the machines you manage just never behave, causing
problems at the most inopportune moments.

Tom will discuss techniques he has developed over the last 15 years
for dealing with these things --- all of which (and more) can be found
in his new book from O'Reilly, "Time Management for System Administrators".
(The book was the #1 computer book on Amazon on Feb 10, 2006)

Tom Limoncelli has over 15 years of system administration experience
and has been teaching workshops on Time Management at conferences since
2003. Tom has worked for both large and small organizations, including
Bell Labs and AT&T. He speaks at conferences around the world. His
previous book, The Practice of System and Network Administration, is
considered a standard reference in system administration. He now works
at the Google NYC office.  His web site is www.EverythingSysadmin.com

more details here:

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