ANNOUNCEMENT: BAD mtg WedJan14 6P@TripRock-Berkeley, wifiWWBAD-HackathonAGoGo

Mike Markley
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 02:00:32 -0800

On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 09:04:24PM -0800, Hereon <> wrote:
> "We are going to..." The Wed January 14 BAD meeting, 6PM ~ 11PM, at

2 days' notice is not entirely reasonable, here.

> Whoever gets there first please make a Debian sign or swirl out of
> materials available onsite, ala McGalver.

RULE 4: If you make the announcement, you have to go, you have to be
     on time and preferably early, and you have to make a little sign
     that says "BAD" so people know where they're supposed to sit.

> Extra Credit: Bring your wifi'd laptop & let's get a wifi repeater going
> to bring wifi to BAD, & BAD to the world!

Speaking for myself and no one else: I'm not really interested in going
to get together with other geeks face-to-face and then hopping online.
It's like having a LAN party and then getting everyone on IRC -- what's
the point? :)

Also, just a hint from the perspective of one of the more mean-tempered
geeks in the world: The buzzwords and gibberish start to sound like a
bad Zippy impersonation pretty quickly. This is not the sort of thing
that is easy to handle in anything but the smallest of doses.

Mike Markley <>
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