AFTER THE PARTY [was Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Bay Area Debian Get-Together and Key-signing Party]

Evan Prodromou
10 Jul 2001 19:00:33 -0700

>>>>> "TG" == Tony Godshall <> writes:

    TG> Yes I did that.  Now what?  I'm done?

Lesseee... you signed some keys, you got your key signed, you imported
the signatures... Yes, you're done. B-)

    TG> How do I verify?

Verify what? That the signatures happened? Try this:

        gpg --list-sigs

There are all the sigs on all the keys in your keyring. Knock yourself

    TG> In fact, I seem to have signed Evan's key six times! (What
    TG> does this mean?)

It means you signed all of the identities I have on my key.

    TG> Thank you Seth, Aaron, Evan, Drew, Colin, Mike, and Daniel for
    TG> signing mine.

Thanks in return.

    TG> BTW, I seem to have had gpg defaulting to an old email address
    TG> ( rather than (the one you bad
    TG> guys signed).

This is a problem with the current versions of GnuPG. It only has to
do with the User ID that GnuPG displays when identifying a key. (A key
can have multiple user ids). It should be fixed in newer
versions. There are work-arounds, but I don't suggest messing with

    TG> But doesn't that mean I would not verify against

You should do this:

        apt-get install debian-keyring

Then add

        keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg your ~/.gnupg/options file.

    TG> Or should I assume that every Debian developer also puts his
    TG> key in the system.

Absolutely not.

    DT> If you want to pull new sigs from all the keys in your ring,
    DT> try the following perl.

    TG> See, I'm so far behind you guys I don't even know what this
    TG> means :( .

"Pull new sigs from all the keys in your ring" is not standard (nor
actually very clear) terminology. Probably "retrieve and import new
signatures for keys currently in your keyring" would be a better way
to put it.

Also, anyone writing GnuPG scripts in Perl should definitely be using

Or, of course:

        apt-get install libgnupg-interface-perl


Evan Prodromou